Crochet Creatures of Myth and Legend by Megan Lapp of Crafty Intentions
Book Errata: (Last Updated: 3/3/2024)
Page 17, the Approximate Yardage for Accent Color 1 Should be: 22 yards
Page 17, the Approximate Yardage for Accent Color 2 Should be: 23 yards
Page 18, the Cockatrice Table:
· The Cockatrice Body row, in the Approximate Amount Column should say “Accent Color 2” instead of “Accent Color 1”.
· The Rear Leg with Rounded Foot row in the Approximate Amount Column should say “Accent Color 1” instead of “Accent Color 2”.
· The Dragon Leather Wing row, in the Approximate Amount Column should say “Accent Color 1” instead of “Accent Color 2”.
The photos of the Cute Critter Unicorn with the rounded head on Page 50 and 53 depict the Dragon Head without the nostril instructions as an added alternative head. A note is being added to both photos that states that the Dragon Head on Page 69 with small modifications is depicted in those images. Information about the Dragon Head, Page 69, is being added to the table at the front of the Cute Critter Unicorn section as an alternative head. On Page 69, the Cute Critter Dragon head section, a sentence is being added to the Pro-Tip to state: Skip these nostrils if you are making the Dragon Head as a Unicorn Head. (Added 3/13/2024)
In the Wyvern Cute Critter Pattern, Page 60, in the Instruction Chart. It lists the Dragon Head on Page 69. It should list the Wyvern Head on Page 86 instead.
In the Dragon Leather Wing pattern, Page 70, Part 2, Row 1, it says “working along the edge of the wing toward where you fastened off Row 1”. This should be “working along the edge of the wing toward where you fastened of Part 1”. (Added 3/31/2024)
In the Phoenix Head Cute Critter Pattern, Page 80, the Note for adding the safety eyes below Row 12, should say “… between Row 7 and Row 8, with 7 stitch spaces between the posts. …” (Added 1/10/2025)
In the Phoenix Wing Cute Critter Pattern, Page 81, Row 5 should read as follows: Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, HDC 3, BLO [HDC, SC, SC/HDC Dec & HDC], Ch 1, Turn [7]
Row 9 should read as follows: Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, HDC 3, BLO [HDC 3, SC 2, SC/HDC Dec & HDC, HDC], Ch 1, Turn [11]
Row 11 should read as follows: Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, HDC 4, BLO [HDC 2, SC 3], Ch 1, Turn [9]
Row 13 should read as follows: Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, HDC 2, BLO [HDC 4, SC, SC/HDC Dec & HDC, HDC, SC], Ch 1, Turn [11]
In the Table explaining the Dragon pattern, Page 92, Tail Ornamentation section, the Arrow, 5-Pointed Leaf, Crescent, Ridged Fan, and Heart should all indicate that you should make 2. Yardage is correct per 2 pieces. (Added 3/31/2024)
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 93 (Top photo) and Page 94 (Top photo), the wings are a slightly different style than what is included in the book. To achieve the only shaping difference, you can SC 6 in a magic circle, Sl St to beginning stitch, Ch 1, and then SC 6 around, Sl St to beginning stitch, Ch 1 and repeat that until your piece is about 5 rows long. Fasten off with a 12” yarn tail and use that to sew it to attach to the center point (See Page 129) of a finished wing to function as a thumb. (Added 1/25/2025)
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 98, Body section, Row 98C., the final stitch count should be [31] instead of [30].
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 98, Body section, Row 112C., the final stitch count should be [12] instead of [13].
(Added 3/3/2025)
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 107, Dragon Rear Leg: Standing/Straight section, Row 11, the final stitch count should be [12] instead of [11].
In the Dragon Pattern everywhere the “Bump Stitch” is defined for use in any foot or legs, Page 99, Page 100, Page 102, Page 105, Page 106, the final instruction for how to work this stitch should be “Pull through all 6 remaining loops.” Instead of “Pull through all 7 remaining loops”
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 105, Dragon Upper Rear leg: Sitting, Laying, or Begging: Part 1 section, Row 6, the stitch count should be [28] instead of [24].
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 107, Dragon Rear Leg: Standing/Straight section, Row 6, it should say “2 Dec in 3 SC” not “2 Dec in 2 SC”. Also in Row 9 it should say “2 Dec in 3 SC” not “2 Dec in 3”.
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 111, Dragon Face Ornamentation: Head Plate section, Row 1 should end with a “Ch 1, Turn”. It is missing the “Turn” instruction.
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 124, Dragon Belly: Hearts section, Row 2 is incorrect. It should be:
2. Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, Sl St, Working along the opposite side of the Original Chain, Sl St (In the same stitch you last slip stitched into in Row 1), SC, DC & Half Trip, Triple Crochet & Half Trip & DC, Ch 2, (Sl St 3, SC, DC & Half Trip, Triple Crochet & Half Trip & DC, Ch 2) x 11, Sl St in the same stitch as the last DC you made
(Added 2/6/2024)
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 127, Dragon Wing section, Row 25, the Note below says to place two stitch markers in the two underlined stitches in this row. There are no underlined stitches in Row 25. The two stitches that should be underlined are the two stand alone SC stitches in Row 25. The row reads: SC 16, SC, SC 16, SC, SC 10, Ch 1 [44]
The row should read: SC 16, SC, SC 16, SC, SC 10, Ch 1 [44]
In the Dragon Pattern, Page 129, Dragon Wing section, Assembly, Right Wing, Row 3, every time “Edge Point” is mentioned it should read “End Point instead. The row should read as follows: The Right Wing continues by crocheting from the Center Point to the End Point again. When you reach the End Point, Ch 1, Turn, and then SC back to the Center Point. This creates a total of 4 rows of Body Color yarn along the Center to End Point of the wing.
In the Kraken Pattern, Page 152, Row 52B, The row should read “Sl St 6, Ch 51, Turn, Starting in the 2nd Ch from hook, …”. It is missing the “Turn” instruction to indicate to work back down the chain stitches.
(Added 1/5/2025)
In the Kraken Pattern, Page 153, Row 52D, The row should read “Sl St 4, Ch 101, Turn, starting in the 2nd Ch from hook, …”. It is missing the “Turn” instruction to indicate to work back down the Chain stitches.
In the Kraken Pattern, Page 155, Row 2, The row should end with a “Ch 1” and not just a “Ch”. (Added 7/15/2024)
In the Kraken Pattern, Page 157, Advanced Bottom, Row 14A, there should be the following note: Mark the 1st SC in Row 14A for reference on where to attach the Advanced Bottom to the Body Top.
In Medium Feather Wings, Page 175, Row 17, there should be a “]” bracket after the final SC instruction in the row, just before the [15] stitch count.
In the Medium Feather Wings Pattern, Page 176, Part 3, Blue note after Row 3, the blue note should specify Rows 5 and 7. It does not apply to Row 3.
In the Owl Griffin Pattern, Page 187, Face Plate Section, Part 4, Row 1D, the instructions should specify to work in the BLO as follows: Continuing into the BLO of the 1st stitch on Part 1, BLO [Sl St 4], BLO [Sl St] into the same stitch you 1st slip stitched into in this row.
In the Phoenix pattern, Page 203, Phoenix Head Ornament: Seven Feathers section, Row 6. The row should end with Ch 8 instead of Ch 5.
In the Phoenix pattern, Page 203, Phoenix Foot section, Row 5. The row count should be [80] not [8],
In the Phoenix pattern, Page 204, Phoenix Foot section, Row 6. The row count should be [40] not [4].
In the Phoenix Pattern, Page 208, Phoenix Long Tail Feather section, Row 9, The row should be as follows: Starting in the 2nd Ch from hook, Sl St, SC 2, BLO [SC, Dec], Ch 1, Turn [5]
In the Phoenix Pattern, Page 209, Phoenix Long Tail Feather section, Row 43B, The Row count should be [5] not [6]. (Added 1/10/2024)
In the Standing Unicorn pattern, Page 231, Unicorn Puffy Cloud Mane,
Row 6 should end with “DC Dec x 35”, not “DC Dec x 36”, and the stitch count for Row 6 should be [42] not [43]. (ADDED 3/22/2024)
Row 13. The Row should start with: Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, Sl St 2, SC 2, Inc x 2, HDC Inc x 4 … etc. Instead of “Starting in the 2nd Ch from Hook, Sl St 2, SC 2, Inc x 2, HDC Inc x 2…”.
Row 13 stitch count should be [76] and not [72] (ADDED 8/15/2023)
Row 14 should begin with “DC 60…” not “DC 69” (ADDED 8/15/2023)
Row 14 stitch count should be [74] and not [83] (ADDED 8/15/2023)
In the Standing Unicorn pattern, Page 232, Unicorn Ruffle Wavy Mane section, Row 9. The row should end with Ch 57 instead of Ch 41 or Ch 55. (Added 7/5/2024)
In the Standing Unicorn Pattern, Page 232, Unicorn Ruffle Wavy mane section, Row 10. The row should be: “… HDC Inc x 6…”
It should NOT be: “… HDC Inc x 4…” (Added 7/5/2024)
In the Standing Unicorn pattern, Page 234, Unicorn Advanced Spiral Horn section, Row 2. The Row should say “HDC 3, SC 35, Sl St 10, Ch 2, etc…” The Sl St 19 instruction is incorrect, and it should be Sl St 10.
**NOTE: E-Book versions have been updated and corrected! If you are using an ebook, please download the updated copy of the pattern from your vendor.