There are several ideas in the queue for next published pattern! I am in process making wings for a standing Pegasus! I am still deciding between making the body a wide, chesty clydesdale sort of an equine, or a more delicate, spindly sort of creature. We'll see!!
I intend to eventually create ever flavor of flying mythological creature, so completing the Pegasus will certainly advance that agenda. Phoenix is very high on that list!
In that vein, I would also love to do some equine babies! I want a foal Unicorn and Pegasus, and a little baby Mermaid-Unicorn Hippocampus as well!!
See more of this artists work here:
I am part way through the creation of a Ball toy for little ones or babies. It'll be a great way of learning new stitches without committing to a whole blanket! This way you can make a little sweet heirloom toy for that new baby in your life, and learn something new at the same time!! Pretty cool, right??
I am 2/3rds of the way finished with a trio of Ocean-themed Mini-patterns. I just need a 3rd concept to go with Tiny Octopus and Tiny Mermaid! What should their third buddy be? I'm still not sure!!
Lastly, I have a concept for a cuddly tentacle eyeball monster, and I'd like to do that justice with wings and a tail. I was originally inspired after making THIS fantastic pattern by Terry Ijams, and I'm excited to write down and publish my own (very different) version.